martes, 5 de diciembre de 2017


Christmas gets most of the press this time of year, but December is a month full of religious and secular festivals and holidays, along with some wild and wacky days as well.

Here's a reminder of the major holidays this month, along with a collection of the most bizarre holidays gleaned from the corners of the Internet. We can't vouch for the authenticity of some of these lesser known observances, but if you need a moment to forget the stress that sometimes comes with the major holidays, there's got to be a few here to make you smile. 

Forget the 12 Days of Christmas. Here's a whole month of ways to celebrate:
  • Saturday, Dec. 1: AIDS Awareness Day; Eat a Red Apple Day
  • Sunday, Dec. 2: First Sunday of Advent; National Fritters Day
  • Monday, Dec. 3: National Roof Over Your Head Day
  • Tuesday, Dec. 4: Santa's List Day; Wear Brown Shoes Day
  • Wednesday, Dec. 5: Bathtub Party Day; Repeal Day—the 21st Amendment ends Prohibition; Ninja Day
  • Thursday, Dec. 6: St. Nicholas Day; Mitten Tree Day; Put On Your Own Shoes Day; Miners' Day
  • Friday, Dec. 7: Pearl Harbor Remembrance; International Civil Aviation Day; Letter Writing Day; National Cotton Candy Day
  • Saturday, Dec. 8: Feast of the Immaculate Conception; Hanukkah begins at sundown; National Brownie Day; Take It In the Ear Day
  • Sunday, Dec. 9: First full day of Hanukkah. This Jewish festival of lights lasts for eight days; Second Sunday of Advent; Christmas Card Day; International Children's Day; National Pastry Day; Salesperson's Day; Choral Day
  • Monday, Dec. 10: Human Rights Day
  • Tuesday, Dec. 11: National Noodle Ring Day; Mountain Day
  • Wednesday, Dec. 12: Poinsettia Day
  • Thursday, Dec. 13: Ice Cream Day; Violin Day
  • Friday, Dec. 14: National Bouillabaisse Day; Monkey Day
  • Saturday, Dec. 15: Bill of Rights Day; National Lemon Cupcake Day; Cat Herders Day
  • Sunday, Dec. 16: Last day of Hanukkah; Third Sunday of Advent; National Chocolate Covered Anything Day
  • Monday, Dec. 17: Pan American Aviation Day; Wright Brothers Day; National Maple Syrup Day; Underdog Day
  • Tuesday, Dec. 18: Bake Cookies Day; National Roast Suckling Pig Day
  • Wednesday, Dec. 19: Look for an Evergreen Day; Oatmeal Muffin Day
  • Thursday, Dec. 20: Go Caroling Day; Games Day
  • Friday, Dec. 21: Winter Solstice, First Day of Winter; Forefather's Day—celebrating the day Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock; Humbug Day; National Flashlight Day; Look on the Bright Side Day; Hamburger Day
  • Saturday, Dec. 22: National Date Nut Bread Day; Haiku Poetry Day
  • Sunday, Dec. 23: Fourth Sunday of Advent; Festivus "For the Rest of Us"; Roots Day
  • Monday, Dec. 24: Christmas Eve; George Washington's Birthday; National Chocolate Day; National Egg Nog Day
  • Tuesday, Dec. 25: Christmas—Christian observance of Jesus' birth; National Pumpkin Pie Day
  • Wednesday, Dec. 26: Kwanzaa, which lasts through Jan. 1; Boxing Day; Thank You Note Day; National Whiners Day
  • Thursday, Dec. 27: Make Cut Out Snowflakes Day; National Fruitcake Day
  • Friday, Dec. 28: Card Playing Day
  • Saturday, Dec. 29: Pepper Pot Day; Tick Tock Day
  • Sunday, Dec. 30: National Bicarbonate of Soda Day; Bacon Day
  • Monday, Dec. 31: New Year's Eve; Unlucky Day; No Interruptions Day

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